You can order repeat prescriptions online:
These accounts show you all your repeat medicine and dosage and you can choose the ones you need.
You can also:
We do not accept requests for repeat prescriptions by telephone. This prevents dangerous errors being made and leaves the telephone lines free for urgent matters.
All routine prescriptions are processed within three working days from the initial request being submitted, but this does not mean they will have been dispensed within this time. Please allow an additional 24 hours if you are a dispensing patient.
Ongar Health Centre is a dispensing Practice which provides the benefit to our patients of being able to access medicines and general healthcare under one roof. Only certain patients are eligible to receive dispensing services; in England a patient’s registered address must be located more than 1 mile (1.6km) from the nearest pharmacy. Eligible patients can collect the medication that they have been prescribed following their consultation with a Clinician from our dispensary.
A delivery service for patients eligible for dispensing services if they are housebound. If you would like to make use of the delivery service please speak to a dispenser.
For further information, please telephone the surgery and a member of our dispensary staff will be pleased to answer your queries.
Electronic Prescription Service
The Electronic Prescription Service, or EPS, enables prescriptions to be sent electronically from the GP practice to a pharmacy or dispenser of your choice.
More information can be found on our Electronic Prescription Service page
Medication reviews
If you have a repeat prescription, we may ask you to come in for a regular review. Please book a routine appointment for your review with a Clinical Pharmacist.
Questions & Queries about your Prescription Medication
If you have questions about your medicine or your prescription please contact the surgery on 01277367200 selecting the option for 'Prescription Queries'.
Your local pharmacists can also answer any questions about your prescription. They can answer questions on medicines you can buy without a prescription.
Find a pharmacy
NHS Medicines A to Z
Prescription charges
Find out more about prescription charges on
Why can’t I get a prescription for an over-the-counter medicine?
Visit our Over the Counter Medication page for further information.
Wasted Medications
If there are any medications you no longer use, please advise either the Prescription Administration team or Dispensary who will arrange to have them removed from your repeat medications.
Even if you never open them, once you leave a pharmacy your medicines cannot be recycled or used by anyone else. This means that any you return are destroyed.
Before ordering your medication, check what you have at home, what you are still taking and only order what you need.